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The Relocator only lets you transfer Celebi and the 3 'crown' legendary beasts. But later in the game, the PokeTransfer lab lets you transfer any pokemon.

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Q: Can you only transfer legendary Pokemon to Pokemon black and white?
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Can you catch the legendary in Pokémon Black In Pokémon White?

In Pokemon Black Version the legendary is Reshiram and Pokemon White its Zerkrom.The only way to get both is to transfer Zerkrom to Pokemon Black Version or Reshiram to Pokemon White Version.

What to do when you get the three orbs from gethis' servants in Pokemon white?

you don't have to to anything with the orbs. They only give you the orbs so if you transfer those legendary Pokemon to Pokemon black or white you can give those legendary Pokemon the orbs.

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The legendary mascots for Pokemon Black is Reshiram the white dragon one. Pokemon White is Zekrom the black dragon one.

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Zekrom in Pokemon White and Resharim in Pokemon Black.

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What legendary in Pokemon Black and White?

The white legendary Pokémon is Reshiram, while the black legendary Pokémon is Zekrom. You can get Zekrom in the White version while you can get Reshiram in the Black Version.

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it is 1 of the 3 legendary birds from Kanto and is not on Pokemon black or white ALTHOUGH if you caught it on any older game you could transfer it using poketransfer after you defeat N.

Were is the white legendary Pokemon in Pokemon White?

there is no "white" legendary in pokemon white. its black ( and called zecrom) and in the top floor of N's castle and then after u VS N

How many legendarys are in Pokemon white?

There are 26 legendary Pokemon in Pokemon black/white version.

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you can't, you can only transfer to black and white

What is the best flying pokemon in pokemon black and white?

zekrom the legendary