Turn the DSi on. Once the DSi is on, you will see the DSi logo. Begin pressing the power button as fast as you can multiple times. At the same time, move the stylus around the edges of the screen. Continue to press "start" and pretend to color in the screen with your stylus. That should work.
you press the ball looking thing at the top of the touch screen and touch the language you need to understand.
When you are in the Nintendo DSi Menu, Press either L or R to take a picture or Go into Nintendo DSi Camera and tap the button on the touch screen that shows Take Picture.
The difference between the Dsi and the Dsi XL is that the XL has a bigger screen.
tap the Nintendo dsi shop icon on the Nintendo Dsi , or Nintendo DSi XL start up screen
To open your bag: "Press the button "X" on the right side of your DS/DSlite/DSi and you will come to a page on the bottom of the screen (The Touch Screen) and it will give you a selection of what you want to open.
Only the DSi's bottom screen is a touch screen.
No. Like its predecessors, only the bottom screen of the DSi is a touch screen.
The Nintendo DSi, like the two previous incarnations of the DS, has two screens, one a non-touch screen and one touch screen.
no of curse not
It's either busted or the batteries are dead
with the touch screen and buttons.
No, you can't.
Two, one is a touch screen
Yeah that's the cool thing about ALL DS's all have touch screens
1) Switch on your DSI 2) Go to the DSI Camera 3) Go to Camera 4) Touch "Start" on the bottom screen. 5) Touch "Switch or press x" on the bottom screen. Hope I Helped... Emounders Link01
Press power on the left hand side of the touch screen
i don't think so but you can go on eBay and get a new screen cheap.