To open your bag: "Press the button "X" on the right side of your DS/DSlite/DSi and you will come to a page on the bottom of the screen (The Touch Screen) and it will give you a selection of what you want to open.
To open up your bag in Pokemon Diamond, simply press X and go to Bag in the Menu. Then, press A.
Go to your bag, go to Key Items, and then click it to open it. If you have made pokeblocks in the contest hall, you can feed one to your pokemon. If you are in the safari zone, walk up to a white platform, press A, and you will have the option of putting a pokeblock on to attract wild pokemon.
Quite tricky, open up the bag right next to the route and use the pilot liscence.
Sootopolis. You have to go through the whol Kyogre episode then the gym will open up. (Sootopolis is the white place you have to dive to get into.)
you find them in your bag underground, click on 'em, and choose the put in bag option. when you go back up, you should find 'em in the items pocket in your bag.
To open up your bag in Pokemon Diamond, simply press X and go to Bag in the Menu. Then, press A.
Go to your bag, go to Key Items, and then click it to open it. If you have made pokeblocks in the contest hall, you can feed one to your pokemon. If you are in the safari zone, walk up to a white platform, press A, and you will have the option of putting a pokeblock on to attract wild pokemon.
Quite tricky, open up the bag right next to the route and use the pilot liscence.
I have yet to play Pokemon Black or White, but if it is anything like Diamond or Pearl, I believe your Pokemon with the rock smash ability would have to be your main or your starter, and then you could open your bag and click it, and hit use rock smash? I can't exactly remember, it may be something like that though. Don't give up.
Open your bag and highlight the moon stone and hit A when the menu pops up select use and then select which Pokemon you want to evolve, it will only work on certain Pokemon just like a TM
go to bag,go to medicines case,click on hp and give to pokemon.
Train them............
Sootopolis. You have to go through the whol Kyogre episode then the gym will open up. (Sootopolis is the white place you have to dive to get into.)
exp. share
Water in a black bag will heat up faster than water in a white bag. This is because black absorbs more heat than white, so the black bag will absorb more sunlight and transfer that heat to the water more efficiently.
No. To evolve a Pokemon with a shiny stone, it has to be in your bag, and then you have to use it on the Pokemon you want to evolve.
you find them in your bag underground, click on 'em, and choose the put in bag option. when you go back up, you should find 'em in the items pocket in your bag.