first you have to get the one at the very top and then you have to go back into the top green box.Next, you have to go around in a spiral and then when you get right next to the left green box after you got all the yellow squares you have to hit the left arrow key and go into the green box.
for the hp game peggle you cannot get the unlock code but you can download the game it's self from (http:/ and play the full version- no virus got it
yes, i got a Trojan from it :(
i never got 1 so i will say no
If you are thinking it has got a virus then their must be these reasons.If you download it and you are not from America then it will give virus(es)- dont ask me how- I dont know. How to fix: if you are NOT from America it's best to play the normal international version ( I still recommend you dont download IJJI(new) gunZ because the virus file comes from Ijji Gunz- You can tell other things from it like GameGuard are clean and safe because on other games like flyff fly for fun- they have game guards and they are still safe with no virus. In conclusion the best thing to do is- DON'T DOWNLOAD IT AT ALL!- if you want your computer to be safe. One last thing you may want to try is to get an anti-virus and then play it.EDITED:No, it does NOT have virus, millions of people play it, but if you download hacks for it, they DO have virus...CONCLUSION:Play GunZ, but don't play with hacks as it ruins the game and your computer.
Yes, I belive it can as the virus can spread anywere
No it is not computer virus. The thing here is that the game is so old that some anti-vir programs consider it as virus. I have downloaded the game via several sources and sometimes I got the report that it is a virus though there is no virus. Game is playable and does not contain and viruses or hacks. It is a false virus alert! So do not worry. Play and enjoy it.
first you have to get the one at the very top and then you have to go back into the top green box.Next, you have to go around in a spiral and then when you get right next to the left green box after you got all the yellow squares you have to hit the left arrow key and go into the green box.
nothing just practice nd eat chicken for breakfast and fish for dinner
Yoville has a number of viruses you can get. My friend got a virus for only going on it three days. Yoville is a bad sexual game that makes you love it.
I haven't got a virus,downloading it 4-5 times. It depends on the down loader. Make sure that the down loader that you use is a reliable and secure one. The game itself does not have a virus. me it got a perfect score from the most hardest game reviewer magi zine in japan not even Mario games could get a perfect 40/40 gave me a virus called yontoo. i got it by playing a game called bloons battles multiplayer
I got lods there is Bin weevils Clubpenguin Current local time in Canada (thats a REALY fun game) Current local time in U.K ( very good for kids) Our world (not that good LOL) secretBuilders and spine worlds
Un Virus. I have got a virus is translated as 'J'ai eu un virus'
It is if you check it for a virus. I got an old Mac virus from a Royal Flush download once. Keep in mind that it plays on the 6080XX Macs.
She doesn't have a virus currently.