first you have to get the one at the very top and then you have to go back into the top green box.Next, you have to go around in a spiral and then when you get right next to the left green box after you got all the yellow squares you have to hit the left arrow key and go into the green box.
You can't!!
beast up
To complete level 15 on the worlds hardest game you must simply spell out -horselet me know if you need help with any others.
u cant beat r u stupid its the worlds hardest not worlds easiest god man live a life :P
I wish I knew...
You can't!!
theres no way.
beast up
To complete level 15 on the worlds hardest game you must simply spell out -horselet me know if you need help with any others.
try the hacked version of the worlds hardest game(he-he)
If you want to beat it, you need courage and help..........
u cant beat r u stupid its the worlds hardest not worlds easiest god man live a life :P
Eau :)
you die
I wish I knew...
you just do .