u cant beat r u stupid its the worlds hardest not worlds easiest god man live a life :P
You can't!!
beast up
To complete level 15 on the worlds hardest game you must simply spell out -horselet me know if you need help with any others.
You can go on www.addictinggames.com for the worlds hardest games. I have tried it before and I can see why its the worlds hardest game! O.K. I'm a new person. I don't think it's really THAT hard. It's moderately easy. I've beat it before. NOT! lol. It's not that really hard though.
You run into the blue circles allowing u to get to the green
You can't!!
theres no way.
beast up
To complete level 15 on the worlds hardest game you must simply spell out -horselet me know if you need help with any others.
try the hacked version of the worlds hardest game(he-he)
If you want to beat it, you need courage and help..........
you die
you just do .
You can go on www.addictinggames.com for the worlds hardest games. I have tried it before and I can see why its the worlds hardest game! O.K. I'm a new person. I don't think it's really THAT hard. It's moderately easy. I've beat it before. NOT! lol. It's not that really hard though.
you just have to beat every level then you are up to the king and you have to use ninja to beat because the ninja's special attack so you can throw ninja stars and also the ninja's regular weapon affects on the 20th level
Ho ho lol