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I feed, brush, nuzzle, and talk to my cows two times a day (morning and night), and it takes approximately 2 seasons for a cow to grow for me. (if I buy in the spring, it will be fully grown around the same day in fall)

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Q: Harvest moon a wonderful life how long does a cow you buy take to grow up?
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Do cows go outside during the winter in Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life?

As long as it is not snowing you can let your animals out.

In Harvest Moon DS how long does it take for a pineapple to grow?

It takes 20 days for them to fully grow. After you harvest the Pineapples they will regrow in five days.

What pets can you have in harvest moon a wonderful life?

Well... you can get a cat or dog. You will get the dog at the beginning of the game. You can choose the pointy eared dog or the long eared dog. I would perfer the pointy eared one. Now the cat is harder to get. To get the cat you must get it from the rich, old lady at the top of the village, anywho she will come to your house one day and will give you the the cat. And that's how you get the pets on harvest moon a wonderful life.

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A long time

How long is the movie It's a Wonderful Life?

It's a Wonderful Life was made in 1946, and was set in present day.

How long it takes to grow zucchini's?

45-55 days from planting to first harvest.

When does your baby grow up in harvest moon a wonderful life?

yes your baby grows up and i dont know how long it takes but i do know when your kid is a 7 or 8 years old it takes 3 years before your kid is a teen then i think 4 more years after that. you can get food for you cows by cutting the grass behind your barn.

How long are each of the chapters in harvest moon a wonderful life?

First Chapter-One Year Long Second Chapter-2 Years Long Third Chapter-3 Years Long Fourth Chapter-2 Years Long Filth Chapter-One Year Long Sixth Chapter-One Year Long

How long will it take for your child to grow up on harvest moon tree of tranquility?

A year after they are born

How long does it take for a fruit tree to grow in harvest moon?

it takes about 2 or 3 weeks