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It takes 20 days for them to fully grow.

After you harvest the Pineapples they will regrow in five days.

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Q: In Harvest Moon DS how long does it take for a pineapple to grow?
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It takes 15 Days, It does not Regrow Either.

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That depends on which Harvest Moon game you are playing. Most of the Harvest Moon games go on for as long as you play it though.

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Nobody, your son in harvest moon DS will never grow past the teen age, get married, move away, die, or help with the farm work, no matter how long you play the game.

How long does take it for your kid to grow up in harvest moon ds?

as soon as its born it takes you straight ahead 2months and your kid will be a toddler.

How long does it take a pineapple to grow?

From September 1997- 5th December 14 years altogether.That is how long my friends pineapple head took. because he is a cripple head

How long does it take to grow pineapple trainwreck?

9 weeks

How are pineapples sustainable?

Chop the top of the pineapple. Dry it out a bit. Plant the top with leaves above ground. Water. Plant will grow. Pineapple will grow after flowering. This cycle is basically constant as long as you keep planting the pineapple heads.

Are pineapples sustainable?

Chop the top of the pineapple. Dry it out a bit. Plant the top with leaves above ground. Water. Plant will grow. Pineapple will grow after flowering. This cycle is basically constant as long as you keep planting the pineapple heads.