You must trade with another firered or leafgreen.
u cant only if u trade or transfer from firered or leafgreen bye!
Advance text is good for starters
It is not possible to get all three starters in Pokemon LeafGreen without trading. This was an intended mechanic to encourage interaction between players.
get one at the beginning and trade the others
You must trade with another firered or leafgreen.
Chikorita, Totodile, Cyndaquil.
Mudkip Torchick Treeko (hope this helps)
To obtain all three starters you need to trade with someone.
The only way is to trade with someone who has one of the other starters and can trade with firered. I know that leafgreen can and so can another firered
Sorry, but the only way to get all the starters from Pokemon Crystal to Fire Red or to Pokemon Emerald is to get a gameshark and do it from there.
Bulbasaur is one of the starters that you get from professor.
Bulbasaur (Grass) , Charmander (Fire) , Squirtle (Water) . IT is the same starters of Leaf Green.
As always, it involves trading with another version of firered or leaf green, or older games
u cant only if u trade or transfer from firered or leafgreen bye!