

Best Answer

Some words you get are:

  • sloop
  • slope
  • slosh
  • sloth
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Q: From slob take away the last letter then add two?
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From slob take away the last leter then add two?

I assume this is some sort of math riddle. slob minus the last letter is slo, which looks a lot like 510. 510 plus two is 512.

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Take away your first letter take away your second letter take away all your letter and you remain the same what you are?

Letter u

What five letter word sounds the same when 3 letters the first middle and last letter are taken away?

The answer is the word empty. Take away the e and you have the letters mpty. Take away the p and you have the letters mty. Take away the y and you have the letters mt.

What five letter word sound same if you raise its first middle and last letter?

The word is empty. If you take away the first, last and middle letter the word sounds like mpty, empt and emty.

slang for an athlete take away the last letter then add to from jot?


What is to speak take away one letter?

To speak. Take away one letter.

Take away your first letter take away your second letter take away all your letters and you will still remain the same who are you?

a post man or a post office

What is To splash a liquid about take away the last letter then add two?

To splash a liquid about is to "splash." If we take away the last letter "h" and add two letters, we get "spa," which is a place where people go to relax and receive various treatments, such as massages and facials.

Where does the book slob by ellen potter take place?

New York City

Take away my 1st letter. Take away my 2nd. Take away al my letters n I stil remain same. Wat am I?
