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Q: What five letter word has six after you take two away?
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What five-letter word has six left when you take two letters away?


I am a five letter word which will die if you take away the first letter and will fall sick if you take away the first two letters what am I?

The question is correct......SKILL is the five letter word....remove first letter....KILL means dead......remove first and second letter....ILL means sick.....good one...

After you get done eating this five letter word remove one letter and you can do it to a book?

Bread take away the b and you have read - the answer

What five letter word sounds the same when 3 letters the first middle and last letter are taken away?

The answer is the word empty. Take away the e and you have the letters mpty. Take away the p and you have the letters mty. Take away the y and you have the letters mt.

What five letter word sound same if you raise its first middle and last letter?

The word is empty. If you take away the first, last and middle letter the word sounds like mpty, empt and emty.

I am a five letter word and I am capable of murder if you remove my first letter if you then take away my new first letter it'll make you sick?

Skill, kill, ill.

What five letter word means go away?


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What four letter word in the English language that if you take away 3 letters from it it still means the same thing?

Answers1) The word FIVE is a 4-letter word. Take away the 3 letters 'F', 'I' and the 'E', and you are left with 'V' which is the Roman numeral for the number five.2) The word ZERO is a 4-letter word, Take away the letters Z,E and R, and you are left with O, which is zero!Other words with similar characteristicsThere is a 5-letter word that, when you take four letters away, still has the same meaning: aitch -> hThere is also a 5-letter word that, when you take four letters away, still has the same sound: queue -> qThis is a three letter word, take two letters away and it sounds the same: why -> yAnd, last by no means least, there are two 3-letter words which, when you take two letters away, mean the same thing: zee (US) -> z, zed (UK) -> z.

What five-letter word shows I am very capable and of murder if you remove my first letter But if you then take away my new first letter it'll make me sick?

# Skill # Kill # Ill