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Kill. If you take away the first letter the answer will be: Ill

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Kill would make I'll :-/

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Q: What word will make sick if you take away the first letter?
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I am a five letter word and I am capable of murder if you remove my first letter if you then take away my new first letter it'll make you sick?

Skill, kill, ill.

What five-letter word shows I am very capable and of murder if you remove my first letter But if you then take away my new first letter it'll make me sick?

# Skill # Kill # Ill

I am a five letter word which will die if you take away the first letter and will fall sick if you take away the first two letters what am I?

The question is correct......SKILL is the five letter word....remove first letter....KILL means dead......remove first and second letter....ILL means sick.....good one...

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You can not make your Moshi Monster run away from home. If you do not play with it or feed it, your monster will become unhappy and sick.

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When writing a letter requesting sick leave, make sure to include the dates of the sickness, the reason for your leave, and when you anticipate returning. You will probably need a doctor's note to support your sick leave.

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Yes. Isolate the sick kitten in another room away from other cats and kittens. Take it to see your vet as well.

Does lemon juice affect mold growth?

I would throw it away, it could make you sick.