4 letter words with one vowel:
There are 3 in your question!
Stretch is a 7 letter word with e as the only vowel. Twelfth is another 7 letter words containing only one vowel.
twelfths schnapps schmaltz strength symphony
There are possibly thousands of words. Fart.
Here is one... Ella.
There are 3 in your question!
Stretch is a 7 letter word with e as the only vowel. Twelfth is another 7 letter words containing only one vowel.
The entire difference is found in the fourth letter of those words ... the remaining 8 letters are identical in both. In one of the words, the fourth letter is the vowel 'a', whereas in the other one, the fourth letter is the vowel 'i'. Their definitions are also different.
"Give" and "oddball" are not vowel words. Vowel words are words that contain a vowel as one of their main sounds. In "give," the main vowel sound is "i," a vowel; in "oddball," the main vowel sounds are "o" and "a," both vowels.
Some five letter words with only one vowel are:berthbirchbirthblendblindblondblownbrownchampchickchirpchurnclampclerkclickclockclothclumpcrownditchdrilldrinkdrolldrownfifthflirtfrontgirthglassglintgrassgrindhatchhitchknackknockknownshirtshortslackslantslickslothslumpspellspillsportspurnstampstandstartstringthingthirsttrust
Some four letter words that can be made from the word 'quid' by changing one letter are:quadquitquiz
You could say one or four. One vowel, the letter A, appears in it 4 times:AlAbAmA
twelfths schnapps schmaltz strength symphony
There are possibly thousands of words. Fart.
'Flat' is one...