Stretch is a 7 letter word with e as the only vowel. Twelfth is another 7 letter words containing only one vowel.
Some examples of 5-letter words with the only vowel being "y" are crypt, nymph, glyph, sylph, and tryst. In these words, the letter "y" functions as a vowel, representing the vowel sound in the absence of traditional vowels like a, e, i, o, and u. These words often originate from Greek or Latin roots where "y" can act as a vowel in certain contexts.
Bubbles, buckets, budgets, bumpers and bunkers are 7 letter words. Additional words include century, checkup, chugged, submenu and success.
Words without a classic vowel A, E, I, O, or U include myth, hymn, and cyst.But here the Y is acting as a vowel. The only truly vowel-less words would be sounds such as brr and shh, and the 4-letter psst appears in many dictionaries.
There are thousands of English words with only one vowel.The words I and a consist of only a single vowel.
Stretch is a 7 letter word with e as the only vowel. Twelfth is another 7 letter words containing only one vowel.
I can think of only one; STRENGTH
Some five letter words with only one vowel are:berthbirchbirthblendblindblondblownbrownchampchickchirpchurnclampclerkclickclockclothclumpcrownditchdrilldrinkdrolldrownfifthflirtfrontgirthglassglintgrassgrindhatchhitchknackknockknownshirtshortslackslantslickslothslumpspellspillsportspurnstampstandstartstringthingthirsttrust
No. Vowels are letters, so the only words that can be vowels are words consisting of only one letter, such as "I" or "a". The word "said" is a verb.
No. There are at least 29,302 words in the English language that have eight letters.
No. Vowels are letters, so the only words that can be vowels are words consisting of only one letter, such as "I" or "a". The word "said" is a verb.
thatch brings things wrecks tracks
If we consider AY and OY as vowel pairs, many words have Y as a vowel. Unless it is making a consonant Y sound as in yet or yellow, it is a vowel. It can have a long I, short I, or long E sound.Words where Y is the only vowel include by, try, why, myth, hymn, and rhythm.
The short vowel in the word "badge" is the letter "a."
Bubbles, buckets, budgets, bumpers and bunkers are 7 letter words. Additional words include century, checkup, chugged, submenu and success.
The short vowel in the word "which" is the letter i.
There are no three letter words that contain only consonants. They need vowels.Y is used as a vowel but not a real vowel; you may try: cry, dry, fry, ply, fly, shy, why, or sly.