Some examples of 5-letter words with the only vowel being "y" are crypt, nymph, glyph, sylph, and tryst. In these words, the letter "y" functions as a vowel, representing the vowel sound in the absence of traditional vowels like a, e, i, o, and u. These words often originate from Greek or Latin roots where "y" can act as a vowel in certain contexts.
Some three letter words with a vowel in the middle are:airbowcatdogeatforguthitionjamkitlapmannotourpunquaratsiptapvatwinyewzoo
Make a list of words with the vowel sound(at least five words for each vowel)underline the vowel in each word
List of 4 letter words that start with the letter "K"KneeKnowKeenKilnKeepKingKnitKiteKeel
List of 9 letter words that start with the letter "K"KnowledgeKnighting
Some three letter words with a vowel in the middle are:airbowcatdogeatforguthitionjamkitlapmannotourpunquaratsiptapvatwinyewzoo
Make a list of words with the vowel sound(at least five words for each vowel)underline the vowel in each word
low now and cow
The word "list" has a short vowel sound. The "i" in "list" is pronounced like "ih."
There are 54,051 words that begin with a vowel in Webster's Second International dictionary, alone. That is too many to list.
List of 4 letter words that start with the letter "K"KneeKnowKeenKilnKeepKingKnitKiteKeel
If you mean LINGUAL words, they would be too numerous to list, but the lingual sounds are made with the tongue, and include any words with a T or an L in them.
List of 9 letter words that start with the letter "K"KnowledgeKnighting
Some common double consonant words include "hello," "doggy," "letter," "happy," "coffee," "dinner," and "summer." Double consonants are often found in English words to indicate a short vowel sound in the preceding syllable.
See related links for a list of official Scrabble 2-letter words.
Some words that fit this pattern are "basket" and "pencil."