These are the berries u can use to make one: Chesto, Oran, Persim, Lum, Sitrus, Wiki, Razz, Bluk, Kelpsy, Hondew, Grepa, Tamato, Cornn, Spelon, Pamtre, Passho, Yache, Kebia, Coba, Charti, Kasib, Babiri, Chilan, Liechi, Ganlon, Apicot, Lansat, Starf, Enigma and Micle.
You can't!
feed it dry poffins. but make sure the poffins are levels 30 or so or it wont work. when it wont eat any more level it up. if it doesnt evolve then the poffins were too weak
No. To obtain poffins you have to make them yourself in Hearthome City in the Poffin House.
you feed it dry poffins.
If you meen Poffins then its at Hearthome City
You can't!
feed it dry poffins. but make sure the poffins are levels 30 or so or it wont work. when it wont eat any more level it up. if it doesnt evolve then the poffins were too weak
No. To obtain poffins you have to make them yourself in Hearthome City in the Poffin House.
you feed it dry poffins.
If you meen Poffins then its at Hearthome City
they wont eat anymore poffins that's all sorry
you can't but you can make poffins Poffins in diamond and pearl replace what used to be pokeblock.
at the poffin house in hearthome city
feebas evolves into milotic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to max out it's beauty to evolve it. This is done through using dry poffins. By Lushbob
yes if you make poffins in hearthrome city and their the same type as the moves or contest you entered in (dry poffins=beauty and the color blue,spicy poffins= cool and the color orange,sweet poffins=cute and the color pink,sour poffins=tough and the color yellow,bitter poffins=smart andthe color green)then it will helpWhat he said
Yes.but the stats wont go up if you do.