If you mean PSP games on UMD, no, the PSP Go does not have a slot for UMD.
There are no such things as 'PSP 1001' games. All UMD games work with all models of the PSP, excluding the PSP GO which has no UMD slot.
u mean psp vita? yes u can but u cant play psp vita games on a psp
go to PlayStation store and search skate 2 and download the demo or buy and of course you need Internet
play the ps3 games in psp they will converted to psp games
PSP Store
update ur psp to 6. 20 then ull unlock the psp store search it and dowload
alot just sign up for playstation portable and chose the game you want and dowload it or buy the whole game
the best kind is the model (2000) because it isn't the same as (3000) or (1000) because in (1000) it is really heavy and (3000) the machine inside has been changed and you cant dowload games.(2000) u can dowload games and it is thin and its almost same to (3000) You can hack lt, but the 1000 is fat and the 3000 is anorexic and the screen is frail.
They could be a part of some special promotion run by the PSN.
You can store the games for the PSP but can not play PSP games on the PS3
for psp go games you have to download them there is no UMD slot for the games so you cant play psp go games on a psp 3000 unless your psp 3000 is chipped.
yes all psp games work for all kinds of psp even psp vita but psp vita games dont work on regular psp but still yes all games work for ur psp 1000
If you mean PSP games on UMD, no, the PSP Go does not have a slot for UMD.
No. You can only download the games for psp go.
NO! You downlowd all games on PSP go!
No you get PSP games on your PS3 at the PlayStation Store and then you move them to the PSP. The PSP will not play PS3 games, but the PS3 can download and store the PSP games and not play them