There hasn't been any proof to show that he eats the fish you sell him. Next time you see Tom Nook, though, be sure to sniff his breath. If it's fishy, you'll know that he does!
all through December
Tom Nook is a Raccoon
Collect stuff, sell to Tom Nook, repeat.
Bruh... Tom Nook is his full name... Nook is his last name, did you really think his first name was tom nook?
Well tom nook does not sell turnips but this girl called joan she sell turnip seeds.... I think it works like this Well you go to her and she will ask you what tunips you like red or white choose and she will ask if you want to buy or if you want some information if you pick buy you have turnips and you can plant them and you can sell them at a better price at tom nooks store then you get more money for them... Thanks sorry if this was not what you where looking for
you cannot make tom nook sell anything unless you control him he sell what ever is available to sell
You can fish, catch bugs, and sometimes shake trees and money will come out. When you catch the fish or bug you go to Tom Nook and sell it to him
Go to tom nook's shop and talk to him and select the sell option. you can only do it after you arent working for tom nook.
You can sell fossils to Tom Nook at Nook's Cranny or the upgraded Nook's Cranny. Simply select the fossils from your inventory and choose to sell them to him. You will receive Bells in exchange for the fossils.
Fruit, fish and turnips can be sold at Tom Nook's shop in your Town. Fruit and Fish can be sold at any time in Tom's opening hours, but Turnips can only be sold Monday - Saturday.
In animal crossing, Tom Nook is not evil. Tom Nook is just a store clerk that tries to sell items to the public for bells to support himself. Tom Nook doesn't do anything evil to you, and is in no way evil.
sell loads of stuff to tom nook :)
Beacause you work there. Finish your work and then you can buy
Sell 1000 of your native fruit to Tom Nook.
all through December
You just have to catch rare fish, bugs, and dig up fossils and let Blathers examan them and then sell them to Tom Nook.
Well you can always catch fish and sell them to Tom Nook. You could also sell some of your unwanted furniture. Sell bugs, fruits, shells, identified fossils. Hope this helps. :)