Bruh... Tom Nook is his full name... Nook is his last name, did you really think his first name was tom nook?
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Tom Nook does not have a house, only a shop.
The tools in tom nooks change every day. Bezzie Jezzie
he doesn't have a birthday
Slingshots appear in Tom Nooks shop randomly.
Nooks refers to the owner of the main shop in town run by Tom Nook
Zade Nooks's birth name is R. Zaid Nooks.
No, there's one in the city!
His birthday is July 28th
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tom nooks store should evole in every animal crossing game. it goes from nooks cranny to nookway to nook n' go to finally nookingtons.
Hey!It's random,but last time i had it was in Nookington's in new year.2000 or 2001.
you can't but you can get a slingshot from tom nooks store
buy more stuff
GracieGrace and tom nooks
You get a discount.
Tom Nook does not have a house, only a shop.