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Tom Nook is a Raccoon

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Can you marry tom nook on Animal Crossing?

no becuase who will like tom nook

What kind of animal is tom of tom's world?

Tom Nook is a racoon

Is Toom Nook evil in Animal Crossing?

In animal crossing, Tom Nook is not evil. Tom Nook is just a store clerk that tries to sell items to the public for bells to support himself. Tom Nook doesn't do anything evil to you, and is in no way evil.

How much money will tom nook give you for a fly on animal crossing?

Tom Nook gives you 60 bells for a fly

What is the sexual orientation of Tom Nook from Animal Crossing?

There is no confirmation as to Tom Nook's sexual orientation as of yet. Make it up yourself.

When are Tom Nook's sale in Animal Crossing City Folk?

On some days in Animal Crossing Tom Nook will say he's having a sale where you get 5x the points you usually get

Can Tom Nook kill you on Animal Crossing Wild World?

What in the world? The game is E rated! no.

Are you able to donate money to Tom Nook on animal crossing?


How do you work for Tom Nook on Animal Crossing New Leaf?

This feature for working for Tom Nook is no longer available. You only pay his loans for your home.

How do you use codes on tom nook animal crossing Wii?

you can't

In Animal Crossinghow do you get the silver shovel?

Buy it at Tom Nook's store

Can you go in Tom Nook's store in Animal Crossing when you see him in his pajamas?