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sorry, but no Microsoft was to cheap to put wi fi in the xbox 360 elite

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Q: Does the Xbox 360 elite have wi-fi?
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Does the xbox 360m elite have built in wifi?

Only the Xbox 360 S has built-in wifi.

How much are Xboxes?

well xbox 360 elite is $299.99 xbox 360 arcade is $399.99 i will pick xbox 360 elite. there is no xbox 720 there is just a newer xbox 360 with wifi built in.

Does Xbox Elite have wifi?

The xbox Elite does NOT have built in wifi. Only the xbox 360 slim has wifi built in, it is the newest xbox out. the elite needs a wifi adapter which costs 100$, the arcade, pro and elite dont have built in wifi, just the slim, which came out just a few months ago.

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yes you can

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Elite of course.

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Can you use a white xbox 360 wifi adaptor on a black 250gb xbox 360?

No. The Xbox 360 S has built-in wifi.

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xbox original xbox 360 core xbox 360 arcade xbox 360 premium xbox 360 elite xbox 360 super elite

Will there be a Xbox 360 elite?

This is (KevXD) We are in the yeer 2009, and WE DO HAVE XBOX 360 ELITE

Which is better Xbox 360 elite or Xbox 360 pro?

xbox360 elite

What works better a Xbox 360 or a Xbox 360 elite?

elite, trust me

What is the difference between the Xbox 360 super elite and the Xbox 360 elite?

The xbox 360 elite has 120 gb The xbox 360 super elite 250 gb memory that is the only difference between the two