nope sorry
dont listen to the top one heres the real one:
basically if you kill it you can go to the pokemon league and beat it and when you come back to the giant chasm you can see kyurem and give it another shot
Nothing will evolve into Kyurem.
NO it doesn't
Kyurem ex is worth about 15$
it wil never come back...
No, the eagle did not come back to kill Penelope.
Cos there cool and will come back to kill YOU
yes it is, the same way black kyurem is kyurem and zekrom.
He doesn't
Yes, I am the Mothman and I am thinking of coming back.... to kill you
You need to use the DNA Splicers item on Kyurem and then either Reshiram or Zekrom. Using the DNA Splicers on Kyurem and Zekrom will create Black Kyurem whereas using the item on Kyurem and Reshiram will create White Kyurem.
go to giant chasm walk around the trees staying to the center and there will be a small pond snow will come and then you can walk to the stairs in the back and kyurem will be in there
Nothing will evolve into Kyurem.
In Pokémon White 2, during the time in which Ghetsis is using White Kyurem, yes, it will remain as a White Kyurem if you don't defeat it but it must be defeated in order for you to continue. Once you beat it, White Kyurem will separate back to Reshiram and Kyurem but they will be available after beating the Champion.
It's a normal Kyurem. It's the splicer you get that can fuse your reshiram with kyurem. If you trade for a zekrom, you can splice zekrom and kyurem to get black kyurem anyway
The two on the box cover art are White Kyurem and Black Kyurem.