Each Pokemon can eat 10 vitamins of each kind, so it doesn't really matter.
No, you dont. Just get a Golbat (or a Zubat and itll evolve to Golbat at level 22) and then raise the Golbat with Happiness. I would say give it a soothe bell to hold, feed it the kind of poffins it likes, and battle with it alot. But make sure it doesnt faint. Also there are some berries that can raise its happiness but they also affect stats. Hope this helped! :D
Golbat does not evolve at any specific level. You need to get the Golbat to like you a lot and then when it levels up it should evolve into Crobat.
Golbat doesnt evolve by level, you have to trade it for it to turn into Crobat.
Golbat evolves into Crobat when you have maxed out your friendship level with it. You can do that by keeping Golbat in your party and giving it the Soothe Bell. For more information relating to Friendship and ways to increase it, see the related link below.
In most Pokemon games you can get golbat in almost every cave he or she will be about lv. 30 or over
Golbat evoles when its happy. Try to feed it poffins and proitens.
There are a few ways...Level it up in battle...Give it plenty of vitamins...Feed it EV Berries...Perhaps you would wind up having Golbat evolve!
There are various things you can do to make Golbat happy in Pokémon Sapphire. For example, you could feed it Poke blocks.
i think feed it berries and dont let it die
You have to evolve Crobat from Golbat since Crobat isn't in the wild.This is DEITY LINK not the other guy you evolve golbat into crobat by trading with Anyone it doesn't matter who or what they give you or what level it is its like gengar
All plant-based livestock feeds have some level of pyridoxine hydrochloride--a form of Vitamin B6--in them, no matter what type of feed it is.
Vitamin A and Vitamin K
It doesn't matter which game it is in. When it reaches Level 22, it evolves into a Golbat. Also, if you want to evolve the Golbat into a Crobat, you must level it up with high friendship.
you evolve golbat by friendship
Trade the golbat and it will evolve.
Golbat evolve into crobat with happiness
green golbat is a shiny golbat so if you search for you have 1/8392 change that you find 1