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In most Pokemon games you can get golbat in almost every cave

he or she will be about lv. 30 or over

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Q: Where do you get golbat?
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Related questions

How do you evolve golbat in gpxplusnet?

you evolve golbat by friendship

How do you evol golbat in SoulSilver?

Trade the golbat and it will evolve.

Who does golbat evolve into?

Golbat evolve into crobat with happiness

How do you get a Green Golbat?

green golbat is a shiny golbat so if you search for you have 1/8392 change that you find 1

What level does golbat evolve in platnium?

Golbat evolves by Friendship

When doas a golbat evolve?

Golbat evolves into Crobat with friendship.

What is the name of the Pokemon that golbat evolves into?

Golbat evolves into a Crobat.

Can golbat learn x-scissor?

no golbat cant with out cheats

How To Evolve Golbat in Pokemon Ruby?

Golbat evolves when it has max friendship with its trainer so if you want Crobat be very friendly to your Golbat.

What level does golbat evolve into a Crobat on pearl?

Golbat evolves with happiness.

Who does crobat evolve from?

Crobat evolves from Golbat once Golbat itself is at the point of high friendship towards its Trainer and then levels up Golbat.

How does golbat evovle?

Golbat evolves into Crobat when you level it up with high friendship.