yes u can -splitscreen with another controller and person or if u have xbox gold you can do a public co-op campaign and just join or host a game
No, but there are individual co-op missions.
There's no co-op in the Single Player Campaign but there is co-op in Specials Ops.
Yes it does.
yes u can -splitscreen with another controller and person or if u have xbox gold you can do a public co-op campaign and just join or host a game
some of the best co-op campaign games are; gears of war 1,2, and soon 3; halo 1,2,3, and odst; army of two; left for dead 1,2.
gears or war 1 & 2, guitar hero 3, army of two, and resident evil 5
Gears of War 3 is slated to be a 4 player co-op multiplayer.
yes it is co-op enabled
yes up to 4 co-op players
Nope, so far only World at War has co-op campaign.
get world at war campaign co-op campaign nazi zombies its legitally awsome
Solo Campaign Co-Operative Campaign Nazi Zombies Multiplayer Options Credits
They give you things like cheats in Co-op Campaign.
You need to beat campaign and you can play it from mission select or co-operative.
unfortunatly not there is only splitscreen however there coukd be a co-op campaign in conduit 3