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No it cannot. There are only two shields that can protect you from dragon fire, and those are the "Anti-Dragon Shield" and the much more expensive "Dragon Fire Shield".

The Anit-Dragon simply protects you from the flame, but the Dragon Fire sort of collects the flame and so can shoot it back out after 50 dragon fire breaths.

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Q: Does dragon square shield protect from dragon breath in runescape?
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What are the rewards for dragon slayer on Runescape?

You get to wear the dragon breath shield and you also get to wear a rune plate body instead of a rune chain body. I think that these are the only perks

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the second floor of runescape has a npc walking around with it talk to him he will hand you one.

How do you get a anti-dragon breath shield on runescape?

If you mean just a normal one, you can get it from Duke Horacio during the quest Dragon Slayer or you can buy one off of another player or from the Grand Exchange.

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i dont know about an anti dragon shield but i know that you can get a replacement anti-dragonbreath shield from the duke of lumbridge

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There is no Dragon Kiteshield in Runescape, there is only a Dragon Square Shield and to get the your cheapest bet is off another player at Grand Exchange.

Where do you get a anti-dragon breath shield?

The Grand Exchange.

How do you defeat dragons in RuneScape?

Get an anti-dragon shield, dragonfire shield, or an antifire potion and an anti-dragon shield to stop the fire breath. Then just fight it like a normal enemy. If it's combat level is high compared to yours bring food and potions. If your fighting Elvarg, she will drain your prayer, too.

How much does a anti dragon shield on runescape cost?

356 gp

How much dragonfire does it take to make an anti-dragon shield into a dragonfire shield in runescape?

around about 50.

In the game Runescape what level is the black dragon considered to be?

In the game Runescape the level black dragon is 144. The black dragons are powerful monsters, an anti-dragon shield, a dragonfire shield, or an antifire potion or even both of them is highly recommended when fighting them.

What is a good shield on RuneScape?

Use a crystal shield or a dragon sq shield, both really good, or you could try a rune defender

What is the best shield for attack in Runescape?

If you have the money for it, Dragon Fire shield ( Fully Charged ) The second best - Rune Defender.