

Best Answer

No, you just pay 1 cent and bang, you have unlimited EEChat! Hope this helps!

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Q: Does chat for everybody edits cost 1 penny a day?
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Voice chat costs in Gmail your credits. You can add credits worth money to your account. Video chat can be free of cost.

How much does it cost to produse a penny?

It cost the Mint 2.5 cents to make a penny.

How much does a penny cost?

If I understand the question. It cost 2.5 cents to make a penny.

How do you type in what you want to say in sifaka world?

well, if you are on safe chat, then you can't. in order to have the acess to type in whatever you want, you have to have a parent or guardian or whoever is with you go to there email and read the letter from sifaka.Then, if they tink it is OK, they will sign you up for free chat mode, which doesn't cost a penny!

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It was black and it cost One Penny, that is why it is called the Penny Black.

What does the idiomatic saying 'cost a pretty penny' mean?

It means to be expensive or to cost alot. For example: My dress cost a pretty penny.

How much does it cost for penny candy?

It's about if I remember a penny.

Is Google chat Free?

Yes, Google chat is completely free of cost. It does not cost any kind of money. Google Chat is also known as Hangouts.

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