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It would take 58,470 crowns to buy all the areas of Wizard101. I added a link to the cost break down.

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4y ago

To complete the main storyline: 137,130 crowns

To buy every area possible: 184,795 crowns

For reference, if purchased appropriately, the value of crowns is 10:1, 10 crowns per penny

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Q: How many crowns do you have to have to complete Wizard101?
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How many crowns do you get for the wizard101 subscription?

I don't think you get any crowns for the Wizard101 subscription.

Can you complete wizard101 without crowns?

if you are a member yes but if you are a free player then no

Do you have to pay withe real money when you want free crowns in wizard101?

if you pay money for wizard101 crowns then its not considered free.there is no way to get free crowns acept for silver chest

What are some codes to get crowns in Wizard101?

i donno.

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there none

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you have 2 get a crownmgenerator

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you have 2 get a crownmgenerator

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How do you get 10000000000000000 crowns in wizard101?

You buy them.

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you cant

What quest lets you get crowns in wizard101?

there are no quests on wizard101 were you can get crowns either get a family account for subscription,get your self subscription,buy crowns or make the classroom full of characters.those are the only ways to get credits