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Q: Does being a hero sometimes make a hero isolated?
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Does batman make choices about being a hero?

YES.... Because he does not need to be a hero,he can let people die and him not careing. So he does make choices of being a hero!! P.S BATMAN ROCKS!

What are hero's generally?

Yes. Stereotypical means oversimplified. If a hero is humble in their actions or just does simple things that make a big difference that is being a stereotypical hero

How do you make a sentence with isolated?

He was an introvert person so he liked to be isolated. This is a sentence containing the word isolated.

How can you be a girls hero?

Being a girl's hero is a little difficult unless certain situations arise where you are able to step up. If trying to be her hero is an attempt to gain her affection, perhaps you should try focus on just being there for her. Make her laugh, make her feel special, be a friend and let her know you like her. Good luck!

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No it does not make you mental people can just be warm sometimes.

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Yes, they do still make Guitar Hero.

When a President is isolated it is much easier for his subordinates to make unilateral decisions?

Yes; when a president is isolated, it is much easier for his subordinates to make unilateral decisions.

Can you make a second hero in spore hero arena?

You can't even make one! :(

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Oxicottin will make you high. Being high is sometimes good and sometimes bad, depending on what you do when you are high.

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What constitutes the hero of a piece of fiction such as Don Quixote?

The hero of "Don Quixote" is a noble and idealistic character who is on a quest to achieve greatness and uphold chivalric values. Despite being delusional and sometimes foolish, he possesses a strong sense of courage and integrity that drives him to right the wrongs he sees in the world. Ultimately, Don Quixote's dedication to his beliefs and his unwavering determination make him a heroic figure.

What is the key to being a hero?

i dont really believe that you can just be a hero because you want to be. being a hero involves being selfless. it means that you can think on your feet. a hero needs to earn respect by doing whats right and what the people know is right. and especially make sure that you do something heroic or greeatful.