It depends on your hero. Make it something your hero is good at.
Or, if you don't have a hero, make the weakness a fear, as many villians are all about the fear they instill in others.
Or make it the opposite of the villian's power.
Ice is Altaria's greatest weakness. It is a Dragon/Flying type and Ice is super effective to both.
Both. If your attack is good against another pokemons TYPE then it will be super effective. If your pokemons type resists their attack then it will be not very effective. Water attack is super effective against fire.
The weakness to grass is ice, fire, bug, and poison
It is bug and fighting are super effective on dark types.
He dos not really have a weakness but if your of the screen you can dodge his wing atack thing and hit him like a ton.
You don't have to. The computer does it for you after you beat the super villan
the villan is pesticide
he has no weakness. he is ghost/dark, so nothing is super effective. same with sableye :P he has no weakness. he is ghost/dark, so nothing is super effective. same with sableye :P he has no weakness. he is ghost/dark, so nothing is super effective. same with sableye :P
You will have them when you need them. They just kind of come after you defeat a villan. ;)
The strongest villan in the world is Zurafa.
He crashed on the planet there for he buit himself a cyborg half face.Look in SV Super Villan
His weakness is famously kryptonite, and his strengths include super strength, super ,speed, super durability, and super senses.
Ice is Altaria's greatest weakness. It is a Dragon/Flying type and Ice is super effective to both.
The cast of The Good Samaritan - 1998 includes: Robert Jolley as Lead - Villan
Mohammed Ameen Villan is a successful businessman from Kerala. He is a garment manufacturer and trader.