If your talking about the game, then no. If your talking about the Anime, then I do not know, it wil be announced in a future episode perhaps.
yh it was on pkmon sinnoh league victors ash wins a battle between paul and himself and wat Cynthia sed 'when one life meets another something new will be born' tht is conectivity and paul bes nice to ash and they mite soon have a new battle
noyou cant battle Cynthia in soul silver. Even though she appears in the Arceus event, You cant battle her.
the episode is called sliding into seventh
you dont battle ash, instead you battle "red" on mt.Pire in the old region.
no he does not
yes he does in the final battle against the elite four
It evolves in the battle against Cynthia.
ash's grotle will evolve in the battle againts Cynthia and the elite four
yh it was on pkmon sinnoh league victors ash wins a battle between paul and himself and wat Cynthia sed 'when one life meets another something new will be born' tht is conectivity and paul bes nice to ash and they mite soon have a new battle
Nothing because cynthia is powerful and her garchomp. otherwise cynthia and caitlin draw their battle.
Cynthia is the champion of the Pokemon League. If you want to battle her you need to defeat the Elite 4.
noyou cant battle Cynthia in soul silver. Even though she appears in the Arceus event, You cant battle her.
No, he is not. Cynthia is.
the episode is called sliding into seventh
you cant battle ash in this game although you do battle red on mt silver