yh it was on pkmon sinnoh league victors ash wins a battle between paul and himself and wat Cynthia sed 'when one life meets another something new will be born'
tht is conectivity and paul bes nice to ash and they mite soon have a new battle
yes because in the sinnoh league semi-finals it was a long and hard battle but ash beat Paul with his infernape. Now ash and Paul are friends. Episode 650
It depends on what your definition of "better" means. Paul has trained for far longer than Ash, but Paul is a snob. That is why Paul abandoned Chimchar... Because he was to "weak" for him. But Ash is definitely stronger willed, and most likely to become more powerful than Paul. But, of course, NOT a snob.
Ash beats Paul in the episode that is titled "Battling a Thaw in Relations."
Ash is always in a private spot with one of his friends that are girls
ASH became a Pokemon trainer when he was ten.
yes because in the sinnoh league semi-finals it was a long and hard battle but ash beat Paul with his infernape. Now ash and Paul are friends. Episode 650
It depends on what your definition of "better" means. Paul has trained for far longer than Ash, but Paul is a snob. That is why Paul abandoned Chimchar... Because he was to "weak" for him. But Ash is definitely stronger willed, and most likely to become more powerful than Paul. But, of course, NOT a snob.
Paul Ash was born in 1891.
Paul Ash died in 1958.
yes ash does beat paul it was infernape vs electavire it was a good battle
Ash beats Paul in the episode that is titled "Battling a Thaw in Relations."
Ash beats Paul in the episode that is titled "Battling a Thaw in Relations."
Ash is always in a private spot with one of his friends that are girls
ash wins by a small margin and Paul just walks of saying nothing to ash
Currently, Ash and Dawn are just friends. Ash and Dawn are not in a serious relationship, as indicated by the television series, but rather are just good friends.
yes greatly every show paul is his rival
ash's new friends are cilan and iris. his rival is trip which started with a snivy