No. The buttons are different. They stick up higher on the slim. And the speaker holes are located in different places.
the LCD on a psp 1000 dose not fit on a psp 2000. Why you ask the psp 1000 has one connection that connect to the MBO and the psp 2000 has 2 connection that connects to the MBO.
Yes, they are But the psp-Go has its unique own charger and a regular psp charger will not fit into a psp-Go.
The Sony Component AV Cable will fit the PS3 super slim model.
yes it can but i wouldn`t
No, a PSP takes Max Duo memory cards only, SD cards just won't fit into it.
Depends whether you want to become fit or fat :). Good to have both. A bike for when you want to go for a ride and a PSP for when you want to sit down and have a game!
No you cant the slimmer battery is just too small but the normal battery can fit in both normal and slim PSP!!
Yes, the PSP 1000, 2000, 3000 and E1000 all use the Memory Stick Pro Duo. 2000 is the code for 'PSP slim and lite'.
Yes, once you have a working pandoras battery and a magic memory stick you can use it as many times you feel like it.Just remember the psp slim battery will not work in a psp phat. Also, you can't use the magic memory in your already hacked psp or psp slim with the Pandora battery because this will prompt you to re-sinstal CFW. This is also how you restore to OFW (sony officialfirmware). If you delete the magic memory stick files then you can use the memory stick as normal on your hacked psp or psp slim. I know this because I have made this mistake many times.AnswerYou CAN use a psp SLIM BATTERY that is Pandoraized in a psp phat. The thing is you'll have to hold it in while it is installing with the AC connected to it. --I have personally did this the other day, put the psp slim battery that was pandoraized into a psp phat,I had to hold it in with the ac connector as it installed the CFW. A little troublesome but it worked.Reply to Answer:I would like to see you try and fit the slim battery in the Fat PSP.
they should all fit..if youre planning on getting a new psp. it should come with one.
slim fit is for fat guys who cant fit in skinny jeans but i don't recommend skinny jeans.
No, it does not! The back will fit, but not the front.
Slim fit shirts can be bought in all major retail department stores. Both Marks and Spencer and Debenhams stock slim fit shirts. Alternatively specialist makers such as Tyrwhitt provide slim fit sizing.
the LCD on a psp 1000 dose not fit on a psp 2000. Why you ask the psp 1000 has one connection that connect to the MBO and the psp 2000 has 2 connection that connects to the MBO.
Cotemporary fit is a fit which lies in between Classic and Slim fit. Its comfortable yet not loose like a classic fit and has ease for body movements unlike a slim fit...
It means Slim Fit ..!