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El Shaddoll Fusion doesn't affect how Torrential Tribute resolves.

Imagine you summon a monster, and the opponent responds with Torrential Tribute.

You chain El Shaddoll Fusion. When that resolves, it lets you perform a Fusion Summon as written.

But Torrential Tribute was still correctly activated, and when it resolves it will destroy all monsters on the field - it doesn't matter that the monsters have changed and are different from the ones present when it was activated.

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Q: Does Torrential Tribute still resolve with effect if it was chained by El Shaddoll Fusion in Yu-Gi-Oh?
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Which effect resolves first if Black Rose Dragon is synchro summoned by Torrential Tribute is activated in response in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Triggers will always go on the chain first before any manually activated cards like Torrential Tribute. Black Rose Dragon's trigger will be chain link 1, Torrential Tribute will be chain link 2, so Torrential Tribute will resolve first, then Black Rose Dragon's effect.

Can you fiendish chain a monarch monsters effect to negate it?

When the Monarch is tribute summoned, it has a triggered effect that activates. Fiendish Chain can be chained to this. Fiendish Chain will resolve first, meaning the Monarch effect will be negated when it tries to resolve.

Would Black Rose Dragon's effect to destroy all cards on the field still work if it is destroyed with Torrential Tribute?

When "Black Rose Dragon" is Syncro Summoned, the controller can choose to destroy all cards on the field. You can chain "Torrential Tribute" to the effect of "Black Rose Dragon", but the result is the same. The chain will resolve and "Torrential Tribute" will destroy all monsters on the field; but the effect of "Black Rose Dragon" will remain and the rest of the cards on the field will be destroyed. If you want to stop "Black Rose Dragon" from destroying all the cards on the field, "Black Horn of Heaven", Horn of Heaven", "Solemn Judgment", "Thunder King Rai-Oh" and "Royal Oppression" can negate it's Summoning and "Divine Wrath" can negate and destroy it when it tries to activate its effect.

Can Fiendish chain stop effects monsters when your opponent has priority?

It doesn't matter who started with Priority, the simple matter is, if a monster has an activated effect, then Fiendish Chain can be chained to it. Fiendish Chain will resolve first, and the monster effect will be negated before it can resolve. The main problem is against monsters that tribute themselves as a cost such as Exiled Force or Stardust Dragon. Because they leave the field as the cost of their own activations, Fiendish Chain would not be able to target them.

When you use Sangan as a tribute can you activate it's effect?

Yes, Sangan has a Mandatory Trigger (so never misses the timing), and a tribute is a form of Send. If you tribute it for a tribute summon, Sangan will activate when the summon is successful, or if the summon is negated, after the resolution of the negation card. If you tribute it for a card effect such as Enemy Controller, then allow the chain to resolve. Sangan will start a new chain as chain link 1.

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Which effect resolves first if Black Rose Dragon is synchro summoned by Torrential Tribute is activated in response in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Triggers will always go on the chain first before any manually activated cards like Torrential Tribute. Black Rose Dragon's trigger will be chain link 1, Torrential Tribute will be chain link 2, so Torrential Tribute will resolve first, then Black Rose Dragon's effect.

Can you fiendish chain a monarch monsters effect to negate it?

When the Monarch is tribute summoned, it has a triggered effect that activates. Fiendish Chain can be chained to this. Fiendish Chain will resolve first, meaning the Monarch effect will be negated when it tries to resolve.

Would Black Rose Dragon's effect to destroy all cards on the field still work if it is destroyed with Torrential Tribute?

When "Black Rose Dragon" is Syncro Summoned, the controller can choose to destroy all cards on the field. You can chain "Torrential Tribute" to the effect of "Black Rose Dragon", but the result is the same. The chain will resolve and "Torrential Tribute" will destroy all monsters on the field; but the effect of "Black Rose Dragon" will remain and the rest of the cards on the field will be destroyed. If you want to stop "Black Rose Dragon" from destroying all the cards on the field, "Black Horn of Heaven", Horn of Heaven", "Solemn Judgment", "Thunder King Rai-Oh" and "Royal Oppression" can negate it's Summoning and "Divine Wrath" can negate and destroy it when it tries to activate its effect.

What happens if Gates of the Dark World discarded Grapha to destroy Evilswarm Ophion but then Eradicator Epidemic Virus is chained and wants to tribute Ophion in Yu-Gi-Oh?

If Eradicator was chained to Grapha's eff targeting Ophion, then Eradicator will resolve first, tributing Ophion and destroying 1500 or less ATK monsters. Grapha's effect will then resolve. Since the intended target, Ophion, is not on the field anymore, Grapha's effect resolves with nothing happening.If Eradicator was chained to Gate's effect, then Eradictor will do its effect and since Grapha's effect will only activate after the card effect discarding it resolves, Grapha' effect will not activate. So after Eradictor and Gate resolve, Grapha will select a target, which can't be Ophion as it's no longer on the field and destroy it.

Can Fiendish chain stop effects monsters when your opponent has priority?

It doesn't matter who started with Priority, the simple matter is, if a monster has an activated effect, then Fiendish Chain can be chained to it. Fiendish Chain will resolve first, and the monster effect will be negated before it can resolve. The main problem is against monsters that tribute themselves as a cost such as Exiled Force or Stardust Dragon. Because they leave the field as the cost of their own activations, Fiendish Chain would not be able to target them.

If you summon a Monarch and your opponent uses 'Torrential Tribute' do you still get to use the monarch's effect?

That'd be a misplay - you need to keep in mind player Priority. When the Monarch is summoned, the turn player still has Priority. He can use this for an Ignition Effect, or Quick Effect, or just pass Priority for the opponent to respond. Also, anything that triggers from the summon will activate first. So when the Monarch is successfully summoned, the turn player has to pass Priority in one way or another before the opponent can do anything. In the case of Caius for example, Caius' mandatory effect will automatically become chain link 1 and pass Priority. For Mobius, his effect will be chain link 1 if the turn player wants to activate it, otherwise he retains Priority as above, or simply chooses to pass it. The opponent will then chain Torrential Tribute to this. Even though Torrential Tribute resolves and destroys the monarch first, his effect is still on the chain and will resolve as normal - assuming the target is still on the field, of course. One last word on the scenario with Mobius - if the turn player chooses not to activate him, and the opponent does respond with Torrential Tribute, then the turn player has missed the chance to activate him. But to be clear, his turn player Priority gives him the choice to choose whether or not to use him, before the opponent gets chance to respond.

How does Compulsory Evacuation Device affect Flute of Summoning Dragon when chained to it to return Lord of D to your hand?

Flute of Summoning Dragon's current text clarifies that "there must be a face-up "Lord of D." on the field to activate and to resolve this effect", meaning that if a card is chained to Flute's activation that destroys, flips face-down or otherwise removes Lord of D from the field, then Flute will not be able to resolve and will do nothing.

Can you chain Icarus attack to a normal summon?

It's not accurate to say you 'chain' to a summon. A chain is an order of 'activations' which then resolve in reverse order (the implication is that when a card is chained to another, the second card resolves first). The correct term is 'respond' which is what you do to something that has happened fully already. So when something is summoned, or a card is drawn at the start of the turn, or an attack is declared, cards like Bottomless Trap Hole, Drastic Drop-Off or Sakuretsu Armor respectively will start a chain in response. When the Turn Player normal summons a monster successfully, he retains Priority to activate an effect. He could therefore activate Icarus Attack at chain link 1 if he wanted, using the summoned monster as a tribute before the opponent can do anything. The opponent could legally chain Torrential Tribute to Icarus Attack, but the normal summoned monster is already gone.

Can cannon soldier tribute himself?

Yes, Cannon Soldier can tribute itself for its effect. An important thing to note is that you can do this even when Skill Drain is on the field, because Cannon Soldier's effect would resolve when it hits the graveyard.

When you use Sangan as a tribute can you activate it's effect?

Yes, Sangan has a Mandatory Trigger (so never misses the timing), and a tribute is a form of Send. If you tribute it for a tribute summon, Sangan will activate when the summon is successful, or if the summon is negated, after the resolution of the negation card. If you tribute it for a card effect such as Enemy Controller, then allow the chain to resolve. Sangan will start a new chain as chain link 1.

When Royal Decree is played followed by Heavy Storm does Starlight Road work?

Starlight Road has to be chained to the destruction effect, assumedly it's the Heavy Storm. Starlight Road will resolve first, but since Royal Decree is still active at the time, Starlight Road will be negated. Heavy Storm will then resolve and destroy all S/T cards. Because Starlight Road has to be chained to Heavy Storm in this case, there's no way to get Heavy Storm to destroy Royal Decree first and allow Starlight Road to resolve after, without adding additional cards, like a Mystical Space Typhoon at Chain Link 3. MST will resolve first, destroying Royal Decree. Starlight Road will resolve second, negating and destroying Heavy Storm. Heavy Storm has been negated and won't resolve.

Can you Fiendish chain chaos sourcerer so he can not remove a monster or he must be able to?

If a monster activates an effect, then Fiendish Chain can be chained to this. Fiendish Chain will resolve first, meaning the monster's effect will be negated when it tries to resolve. So if Chaos Sorcerer activates his Ignition Effect, Fiendish Chain can be used to negate it.