Yes Poliwhirl will need a Water Stone to evolve into Poliwrath.
Note: If you trade Poliwhirl while holding a Kings Rock he evolves into Politoed.
you will need a water stone
The number of Pokemon that need to use a certain stone to evolve, for each stone, is a tie between the Water stone and the Moon stone. Nidorino, Nidorina, Clefairy, and Jigglypuff need to use the Moon stone to evolve. Poliwhirl, Shellder, Staryu, and Eevee (special case) need the Water stone to evolve.
Only the following Pokemon require a water stone to be used on them for them to evolve. Poliwhirl to Poliwrath Shellder to Cloyster Staryu to Starmie Eevee to Vaporeon Lombre to Ludicolo Panpour to Simipour
Wailmer does not need a water stone to evolve, it evolves at level 40 into Wailord.
You do not have to give Feebas a Water Stone to evolve it. To evolve Feebas you need to trade it while it is holding a Prism Scale.
you will need a water stone
Poliwag evolves into Poliwhirl at level 25. Poliwhirl will then need a water stone to evolve into Poliwrath or a King Stone to evolve into Politoad.
A Water Stone evolves the following pokemon:Poliwhirl to evolve into Poliwrath.Shellder to evolve into Cloyster.Staryu to evolve into Starmie.Eevee to evolve into Vaporeon.Lombre to evolve into Ludicolo.Panpour to evolve into Simipour.
first you have to get a poliwhirl.then you need to get a king's you can evolve poliwhirl into politoad unless you want a poliwrath.then you need to get a water stone and give it to poliwhirl at any level.
Poliwhirl evolves into poliwrath when you use a Water Stone on it. It can also evolve into a politoed if you trade it while it's holding a King's Rock. Poliwhirle does not evolve by leveling up. If you give it a Water Stone it becomes a Poliwrath and if you trade it while holding a King's Rock it becomes a Politoad.
The number of Pokemon that need to use a certain stone to evolve, for each stone, is a tie between the Water stone and the Moon stone. Nidorino, Nidorina, Clefairy, and Jigglypuff need to use the Moon stone to evolve. Poliwhirl, Shellder, Staryu, and Eevee (special case) need the Water stone to evolve.
You can get a poliwhirl by going just above the resort area in the place that you need a bike to get to, surf and catch one. Then, give it a water stone and you will have a poliwrath! HOPE IT HELPED
You cannot catch Poliwrath in the wild. You'll need to evolve it from Poliwhirl by a Water Stone.
Use a water stone on get the lower form of poilwrath and trade it with someone.The person who answered this question is completely wrong, they were thinking on the lines of Politoed. The only way to get Poliwrath in Heartgold is capture a Poliwag once it reaches level 25 it will evolve into a Poliwhirl. But in order to evolve Poliwhirl into Poliwrath you need to have a Water Stone you may obtain one in the Pokelathon only on Wensdays they cost 2500 points. When you obtain it you can use it to evolve your Poliwhirl into Poliwrath.
Poliwag evolves at lv 21, i have no idea what the previous answer was talking about, but as soon as poliwag reaches lv 21, it will evolve into man. It is the evolved form of poliwhirl. and evolves into poliwrath.
Only the following Pokemon require a water stone to be used on them for them to evolve. Poliwhirl to Poliwrath Shellder to Cloyster Staryu to Starmie Eevee to Vaporeon Lombre to Ludicolo Panpour to Simipour
There are 5 stones in the Pokemon Indigo League. Fire Stone: Eevee evolve into Flareon, Growlithe evolve into Arcanine, and Vulpix evolve into Ninetails. Water Stone: Eevee evolve inot Vaporean, Poliwhirl evolve into Polilwrath, Shellder evolve into Cloyster, Staryu evolve into Starmie. Leaf Stone: Exeggcute evolve into Exeggutor, Gloom evolve into Vileplume, Weepinbell evolve into Victreebell. Thunder Stone: Eevee evolve into Jolteon, Pikachu evolve into Raichu. Moon Stone: Clefairy evolve into Clefable, Nidorino evolve into Nidoking, Nidorina evolve into Nidoqueen