You do not have to give Feebas a Water Stone to evolve it. To evolve Feebas you need to trade it while it is holding a Prism Scale.
Just give it a Water Stone
Give eevee a water stone to evolve it into vaporeon
it does not evolve by level up, you have to give panpour a water stone for it to evolve into simipour
Give it a LOT o' haircuts then level it up.
You can either give it a water stone to evolve it into Poliwrath, or trade while it's holding a King's Rock to evolve it into Politoed.
You need to trade and trade back NO NO NO you have to give a water stone to feebas and it will evolve.
you give it poffins, cubes, or what ever so that it has high beauty. than level it up with max beauty.
you give cornn berries
give it a water stone
To evolve a poliwhirl you must give it a water stone and it will then evolve into a Poliwrath
you have to either give it a fire stone, water stone, or a leaf stone and those will evolve the evee that you have
you take a water stone to where you evolve Pokemon and when it ask you if you want to give an item say yes and give it the water stone and poliwirl should evolve.
you can! just give it or use a water stone.
Just give it a Water Stone
Vaporeon does not evolve. It is a top-tier Water evolution of an Eevee, attained by using a Water Stone on an Eevee.
give it a water stone or a leaf stone i dont remember wich
you would have to give eevee a water stone for it to evolve