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Give it a LOT o' haircuts then level it up.

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Q: How do you evolve feebas on Pokemon HeartGold?
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What level does feebas evolve in Pokemon HeartGold?

Feebas does not evolve by level in Pokemon HeartGold. Feebas evolves when it levels up while it has a maximized beauty condition.

How do you evolve a FEEBAS in Pokemon HeartGold?

To evolve Feebas beat the Elite 4. Then go to Kanto. In Kanto go to Pallet Town and go to the house next to Red's house. In there is Daisy Oak. She'll massage your Pokemon. You will probably have to do this a few times to make it evolve.

What level does Feebas evolve in Pokemon white?

In Pokemon Black And White, Feebas will evolve into Milotic by happiness, and, as i recall, berries, this process is easier if it were 'Poke Transfered' from Platinum, Diamond, Pearl, Soul Silver or Heartgold, as you can feed a Feebas Poffins (Beaty) until it won't take anymore. Than you level it up once and it will evolve into Milotic.

What level does feebas evolve in Pokemon black?

Feebas will only evolve with high beauty.

How do you evolve feebas in Pokemon Sapphire?

the only way to evolve it is to have the feebas at a high BEAUTY status for Pokemon contests. and the best way to do this is to have a feebas with a MODEST nature.

How do you evolve Feebas into Milotic in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver versions?

If you get it 8 haircuts/massages and then level it up, it should evolve. Galceon, Leafeon, Megezone, and Probepass must be traded for.

How do you evolve feebas in Pokemon platiunm with things that are easy?

there is no other way to evolve feebas but to maximum its beauty then level it and it will evolve!

How do you make feebas evolve into mioltic in Pokemon indigo?

You evolve Feebas at level 45 with no item needed.

Where can you find a feebas in Pokemon HeartGold?

You cannot find a Feebas on the game but you can find a Feebas on the Pokewalker Route Quiet Cave

What level does feebas evolve at Pokemon pearl?

Feebas evolves at level 99

When will feebas evolve in Pokemon white?

Feebas will only evolve through trading it while holding a Clear Scale.

How do you evolve a feebas on Pokemon indgo?

Indigo isn't an official pokemon game but feebas evolves usually by beauty