You can either give it a water stone to evolve it into Poliwrath, or trade while it's holding a King's Rock to evolve it into Politoed.
To make Poliwhirl evolve into a Poliwrath, give it a Water Stone. To make Poliwhirl evolve into a Politoad, you have to make it hold a Kings Rock and Trade it to a friend. Than make them trade it back. Poliwrath is better than Politoad because it has better Attack and better Defense. It also is part Fighting type!
Go to Cerulean City, and go to the house next to the Pokemon Center. Talk to the old man and he will trade his Jynx for your Poliwirl. *Your Jynx will be the same level as your Poliwirl.
hanter, machoke, kadabera, gravler, slowpoke@king's rock, onix@ metel plate, scyther@ metel plate, poliwirl@ kings rock/water stone, porygon@ upgrade @ = holding
Routes 225, 226, and 228 fishing fith the good rod. I caught a Poliwhirl on route 228 Using the Super Rod. and a poliwirl can be cought using a super rod on route 225
Sun Stone -use on Sunkern to evolve into Sunflora and on Gloom to evolve into BellossomMoon Stone-use on Nidorina to evolve into Nidoqueen, Nidorino to evolve into Nidoking, Jigglypuff to evolve into Wigglytuff, Clefairy to evolve into Clefable or Skitty to evolve into DelcattyFire Stone-use on Eevee to evolve into Flareon, Growlithe to evolve into Arcanine or Vulpix to evolve into NinetalesThunderstone-use on Pikachu to evolve into Raichu or Eevee to evolve into JolteonWater Stone-use on Eevee to evolve into Vaporeon, Staryu to evolve into Starmie, Shellder to evolve into Cloyster or Lombre to evolve into LudicoloLeaf Stone-use on Gloom to evolve into Vileplume, Exeggcute to evolve into Exeggcutor or Nuzleaf to evolve into ShiftryShiny Stone-use on Togetic to evolve into Togekiss or Roselia to evolve into RoseradeDusk Stone-use on Misdreavus to evolve into Mismagius or Murkrow to evolve into HonchkrowDawn Stone-use on a Female Snorunt to evolve into Froslass or a male Kirlia to evolve into a GalladeOval Stone-Happiny has to hold during the day to evolve into Chansey
in order to trade poliwirl you must evolve it while it is holding a kings rock & then you will have a poltoad . . . or you can use a water stone & it will evolve into a polywrath
give it a water stone
water stone
you take a water stone to where you evolve Pokemon and when it ask you if you want to give an item say yes and give it the water stone and poliwirl should evolve.
None. It evolves by water stone (Poliwrath) of trade with kings rock (Politoed).
link cable, and a kings rock. that's it!
Poliwag doesn't evolve into Poliwrath. Poliwag evolves into Poliwhirl and than into Poliwarth with a Waterstone
Poliwhirl needs a Water Stone to evolve into a Poliwrath, or it can evolve into a Politoed when Traded whilst holding a King's Rock. So Poliwhirl could evolve at any level.
You can get a poliwhirl by going just above the resort area in the place that you need a bike to get to, surf and catch one. Then, give it a water stone and you will have a poliwrath! HOPE IT HELPED
you cant capture it but you can trade. Trade a Poliwirl with a Kings Rock (sorry i don't know where you get that in FR LG, check bulbapedia) like evolve Kadabra to Alakazam. :P
To make Poliwhirl evolve into a Poliwrath, give it a Water Stone. To make Poliwhirl evolve into a Politoad, you have to make it hold a Kings Rock and Trade it to a friend. Than make them trade it back. Poliwrath is better than Politoad because it has better Attack and better Defense. It also is part Fighting type!
yes. you find him in desert you need a Pokemon that haves surf and Poliwirl should be in the second pond buy the two trees and the big area of tall grass