Joey Wheeler (Katsuya Jounouchi in the original Japanese series) is never shown dying in either the anime or the manga series of Yu-Gi-Oh! He has several scrapes with death, most notably during the Battle City arc when Malik took control of his mind and forced him to duel Yuugi, with both of them chained to an anchor that would cause the loser of the duel to drown.
However, Joey's life was saved by his sister, Serenity (Shizuka Kawai), and he survived to duel again and rank 4th in the Battle City Tournament.
Anime = yes Manga = no
No they don't.
no, but he almost dies in duelist kingdom when he tries to rescue Yugi's Exodia cards by diving off a boat, Yugi saves him. He almost dies while possessed by Marik after he drew with Yugi and they were dragged into the ocean, he saves Yugi's life with his key and Serenity gets his key and saves him
Yes, she did. Watch episode 169. Than Valon said: Deep in herself she really loves you. I'm soory, when my english is wrong, I'm german^^ I hope i can help you^^
Red Eyes Black Dragon is a card in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. It is one of the most powerful monster cards. It was owned by Joey Wheeler and was a key card in his arsenal.
Mai Valentine
Anime = yes Manga = no
No they don't.
Leslie A. Wheeler died in 1968.
Thomas Wheeler died in 1686.
Gervase Wheeler died in 1889.
Wayne Wheeler died in 1927.
Art Wheeler died in 1917.
Joan Wheeler died in 2001.
Lynde Wheeler died in 1959.
René Wheeler died in 2000.