Yes, Groudon needs to come from SoulSilver in order for you to get the Jade Orb from Professor Oak in his lab in Pallet Town. The Jade Orb will awaken Rayquaza in the Embedded Tower which is by Cianwood City.
To get rayquaza, you need to get groudon+a kyogre and then go to the man where you got togepi from and then you will receive a green orb then go to the place where kyogre/ groudon was and then catch it. I've got groudon and now all I need now is kyogre. I also caught zapdos with one ultra ball
Receive from Mr. Game at the Goldenrod Game Corner.
Lustrous Orb: Pearl/Platinum- Spear Pillar HeartGold/SoulSilver- Held by the Palkia you can receive in the Sinjoh Ruins Black/White- Given by Shadow Triad on Marvelous Bridge Adamant Orb: Diamond/Platinum- Spear Pillar HeartGold/SoulSilver- Held by the Dialga you can receive in the Sinjoh Ruins Black/White- Give by Shadow Triad on Marvelous Bridge
You receive the soothe bell after defeating the 5 kimono girls, at some point throughout the game you will bump into each one of them and are required to help them. Towards the end of the game you will have to visit the city where they are and will battle them one after the other until either you fail or they are all defeated, once they are all defeated you will receive the soothe bell. - quick side note- The soothe bell in only acquirable in soulsilver in heartgold you receive the rainbow wing after defeating the kimono girls which allows you access to catch HoHo.
Take that soulsilver lovers! You can't find spinarak on soulsilver. Although, I love and play Pokemon heartgold, and I found a wild spinarak on the route below Ecruteak city at night on my heartgold version. It turns out you can only find them on heartgold, morning, day and night at: route, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 47, 48, Cherrygrove city, Ecruteak city, National park, Newbark town and at the safari zone gate. In kanto, they can be found, the same time as in Johto at: Route 1, 2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22, 26, 27, Fuchsia city, Pallet town, Viridian city and Viridian forest. But that's only on heartgold, if you only have soulsilver and not heartgold, there are 2 ways to get a spinarak. A, get it through a link trade from someone who has heartgold and caught it from the wild, or B, somehow get spinarak's evolved form, Ariados and put it in day-care with a ditto, go back to day-care after a while and receive an egg, walk a lot with the egg in party, hatch it, and you'll get a lvl 1 spinarak!
To get rayquaza, you need to get groudon+a kyogre and then go to the man where you got togepi from and then you will receive a green orb then go to the place where kyogre/ groudon was and then catch it. I've got groudon and now all I need now is kyogre. I also caught zapdos with one ultra ball
You can only get Groudon on SoulSilver. Kyogre is found at the Embedded Tower on Route 47, near the Safari Zone, after defeating Red on the top of Mt. Silver, receiving a Kanto starter from Prof. Oak, and getting the Blue Orb from Mr. Pokemon on Route 30, above Cherrygrove City, in that order. After capturing the Kyogre on HeartGold, you can take it to Prof. Oak and find out about Groudon. It will only appear to people with "shining-silver spirits," meaning it can only be obtained on SoulSilver. If you manage to find someone willing to trade you their Groudon from SoulSilver, you can take both Kyogre and Groudon to Prof. Oak and receive the Jade Orb from him, allowing you to find Rayquaza at the Embedded Tower. Please note that if you get your Kyogre or Groudon via Pal Park or from any game other than SoulSilver, meaning that the game and location you obtain either of these Pokemon from, must be SoulSilver and Embedded Tower(Groudon) and HeartGold and Embedded Tower(Kyogre), Prof. Oak will NOT give you the Jade Orb.
You can find wild Rayquaza in Sky Pillar in Pokémon Ruby, Pokémon Sapphire, Pokémon Emerald, Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire and you can find wild Rayquaza in the Embedded Tower in Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver as long as you have the Jade Orb item which you can get by taking Embedded Tower-caught Groudon and Kyogre to Professor Oak in order to receive the orb.
No. They BOTH have to be caught from soul silver and heartgold. You have to catch groudon in soul silver and trade a kyorgre FROM HEARTGOLD TO SOUL SILVER. I will do it if you have a WFC connection.
You Receive it from the Large boy on Route 36 (Johto)
Kyogre: He is obtainable after you get the blue orb , but first you have to get the National Dex and receive the Kanto starters from Professor Oak. Located in the Embedded Tower. Groudon: He is obtainable after you get the red orb, but first you have to get the National Dex and receive the Kanto starters from professor Oak. Located in the Embedded Tower. Rayquaza: He is obtainable after you catch Kyogre and Groudon, then you have to show him to Professor Oak and he will give you the Jade orb. Located in the Embedded Tower. Domita:um... i thought you could only get Grouden in Soul silver and you can only get Kyogre in Heart Gold. Atleast that's what i heard
No, there's no additional way to catch Pokémon HeartGold in the game. You either need to receive the Jade Orb to catch Rayquaza in the Embedded Tower or you need to trade for Rayquaza.
Receive from Mr. Game at the Goldenrod Game Corner.
First clear the game (note u don't get kyogre in soulsilver and u cant get groudon in heartgold but u need both 2 get rayquaza by trading) Go to Mr. Pokemon to receive the Blue Orb.then get a Pokemon with Rock Climb and one with Surf.At the safari zone route surf and climb until you find a cave.That's the Embedded Tower.Go in and you will see Kyogre.Go up to him and press A. You will ecounter him and then try to catch him.
The Pokewalker will be released in America packaged with Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver on March 14th 2010. If you pre-order the games, you will also receive a Pokemon Figurine in the package. With SoulSilver you'll receive a 2.5" Lugia figurine, and with HeartGold you'll receive a 2.25" Ho-Oh Figurine.
You cannot find Kyogre within Pokémon SoulSilver in order to catch it however in order to get Kyogre within SoulSilver, you will either have to migrate one from Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen or Emerald or you would have to arrange a trade with someone that has HeartGold that is willing to trade you their Kyogre, you will need to trade for a HeartGold-caught Kyogre provided you want it in order to receive the Jade Orb from Professor Oak in order to find Rayquaza in the Embedded Tower.
PokeMon #383 is the legendary PokeMon of PokeMon Ruby, Groudon. Unfortunately, it can only be captured in SoulSilver, not HeartGold. In SoulSilver, after receiving the National PokeDex and the starter PokeMon from Professor Oak, you talk to Mr. PokeMon who gives you a Red Orb. You take that to the Embedded Tower on Route 47. In HeartGold, you follow the same process except you will receive the Blue Orb which will allow you to encounter Kyogre. I hope that helps.