To get rayquaza, you need to get groudon+a kyogre and then go to the man where you got togepi from and then you will receive a green orb then go to the place where kyogre/ groudon was and then catch it.
I've got groudon and now all I need now is kyogre.
I also caught zapdos with one ultra ball
The cool legendaries you can get in Soulsilver/heartgold are the following: Lugia, Ho-oh, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Mewtwo, Latias, Latios (Latios in Soulsilver & Latias in Heartgold), Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza (Kyogre in Heartgold, Groudon in Soulsilver & Rayquaza if you have both).
It's not the "last" Legendary Pokemon that you can find in Pokemon HeartGold, but most people usually catch that one last given that you need to have both Kyogre and Groudon in your party for Professor Oak to give you the Jade Orb to get to Rayquaza.
Yes, Rayquaza is a wild Pokémon in HeartGold and SoulSilver. In order to get it in your game, you need to first talk to Mr. Pokémon after you've obtained the National Dex and Professor Oak has given you 1 of his Starter Pokémon. Mr. Pokémon will give you a Blue Orb (in HeartGold) or a Red Orb (in SoulSilver.) Next you take the Orb to the Embedded Tower which is in Route 47. You'll be able to fight and capture either Kyogre (in HeartGold) or Groudon in (SoulSilver.) After catching Kyogre in HeartGold or Groudon in SoulSilver you'll need to trade for the other one and they must be caught in a HeartGold or SoulSilver game. After you get both Kyogre and Groudon in your party talk to Professor Oak in his lab in Pallet Town and he'll give you the Jade Orb. Take it to the Embedded Tower and Rayquaza will be there so you'll be able to fight it as well as catch it too.
Kyogre only appears in HeartGold. In order to get a Kyogre, you must trade one from HeartGold. The Blue Orb is a nice thing to have, but it only works in HeartGold.
Get Kyogre and Groudon (both must be caught in HeartGold and SoulSilver respectively,) then show them to Professor Oak and he will give you a light green sphere which you take to the big tower by the safari zone. Rayquaza is at the top of the tower.U =GEY A55 HOBObeat red and talk to mr. Pokemon get groudon and kyogre and go to the tower.
a groudon and a kyogre
To get Rayquaza, get both Groudon AND Kyogre. SoulSilver: Groudon HeartGold: Kyogre
No, Kyogre is for HeartGold and Groudon is for SoulSIlver. Unless, you trade with a friend or use the GTS, you can't get; latias, kyogre and rayquaza are in heartgold.Latios, Groudon, and rayquaza are in soulsilver.
Groudon isn't in HeartGold, it is in SoulSilver. Kyogre is in HeartGold as well as Rayquaza.
First you have to catch kyogre and trade groudon to heartgold then go to the embedded tower and there is rayquaza
You do not need to show Rayquaza to anyone in HeartGold. In order to get Rayquaza, you need to show Kyogre and Groudon (from HeartGold and SoulSilver) to Professor Oak. In turn, he will give you the Green Orb. With the Green Orb in hand, you can find Rayquaza in the Embedded Tower.
You can't capture Kyogre or Rayquaza, however if you send Kyogre from HeartGold plus have Groudon from SoulSilver you can find Rayquaza as well. To get Dialga, Palkia and Giratina you must have Arceus.
You have to get both Groudon and kyogre which are exclusive for heartgold and soulsilver. In heartgold you catch Kyogre and in soulsilver you catch Groudon so you have to trade to have both. Once you have them go back to the place you cought them and make sure they are both in your party (and you have the jade Orb) and rayquaza will be there waiting for you to get pwnd or for you to catch it.
The cool legendaries you can get in Soulsilver/heartgold are the following: Lugia, Ho-oh, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Mewtwo, Latias, Latios (Latios in Soulsilver & Latias in Heartgold), Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza (Kyogre in Heartgold, Groudon in Soulsilver & Rayquaza if you have both).
You need both Kyogre and Groudon in your party. Bring them to Professor Oak, and he'll give you a green orb. Bring that to the same place you caught Kyogre/Groudon and Rayquaza will appear.
Try to trade for a heartgold Kyogre so you can get the jade orb, and find rayquaza.
Entei ,Suicune , Raikou, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Celebi