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Q: Do you pay for shipping on club Nintendo?
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Do you have to pay for club Nintendo items?

everything on club Nintendo is free except the games you buy in the store to register onto club Nintendo

Do you have to pay for club Nintendo?

It's free.

Do you have to pay to join the Nintendo club?

no its completely free

Do you have to pay when you sign up at club Nintendo?

No, it is a free service

Do you have to pay to join club Nintendo?

no i dont think so

How does Club Nintendo work?

Club Nintendo is an imaginary club that you can join at . You register all of your Nintendo games. Note: Only games with a Nintendo symbol at the bottom of the game case is eligible for registration. Also game systems can be registered on Club Nintendo. The DSi, DSiXL, 3DS (the DS or DS Lite do not earn you Club Nintendo points), and Nintendo Wii can all be registered. By registering you games and completing surveys (Pre-play, Post-play) you earn points or coins you can spend on Club Nintendo. You can get games, cases, etc., each a different amount of coins. Wii games also are more points than DS games. Shipping and everything is completed. Register you games, get prizes. That's Club Nintendo.

Do club Nintendo members get free club Nintendo magazines?


When was Nintendo Fun Club created?

Nintendo Fun Club was created in 1987.

What are opinions of Nintendo club?

Club Nintendo at the Nintendo website is not a scam. I have used it before and it works just fine.

What are Club Nintendo coins?

Club Nintendo's coins (called stars outside of the Americas) are a reward points system. They can be redeemed for Club Nintendo-exclusive rewards.

How do you get points on club Nintendo?

You buy a Nintendo console or game (new) and you will recieve a leaflet in the box with club nintendo on it. Go to and type in the pin.

Does club Nintendo give you Nintendo DSi points?

You can redeem club nintendo points for DSi/Wii points, yes.