The Pokemon are Bulbasaur, Ivysaur,Venusaur, Geodude, Abra that's all I know!
A typlosion can learn explsion
all the Pokemon on dimmond that can learn flash can still learn flash in the platinum game too
In Pokemon diamond many Pokemon can learn flash for eg. Electric Pokemon such as Pachurisu Pichu and Luxray all (eveloutions) and yeah just experiment and see what can learn flash!
All Pokemon with a water-type can learn it. There are some other Pokemon that can learn it, but mostly water-Pokemon.
It can't learn that move cause it doesn't exist in leafgreen.
the ferry at velmiron
to learn flash you should have pokiemon up to 10
A typlosion can learn explsion
all the Pokemon on dimmond that can learn flash can still learn flash in the platinum game too
Most electric type Pokemon can learn flash.
Dragonair does not learn Dragon Rush in Pokemon Leafgreen. However, it can learn the move in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum at level 39.
You need the HM5 Flash.
In Pokemon diamond many Pokemon can learn flash for eg. Electric Pokemon such as Pachurisu Pichu and Luxray all (eveloutions) and yeah just experiment and see what can learn flash!
No wurmple can not learn flash
learn how to spell.
All Pokemon with a water-type can learn it. There are some other Pokemon that can learn it, but mostly water-Pokemon.
It can't learn that move cause it doesn't exist in leafgreen.