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Q: Do you need super rod to catch dragonair in Pokemon crystal?
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Is there another way to catch a dragonair in Pokemon gold?

Dragon's Den + Super Rod = Dragonair

How do you catch Dragonair in the safari zone on Pokemon firered?

you use a super rod

Where can you catch a dranti on Pokemon FireRed?

At Fuchsia City, Safari Zone, if you have a super rod or perhaps a good rod, then you can catch rare Pokemon in the water edge, you can catch a dratini, dragonair, sea king, goldeen, dragonair's are rare, so if you come across them i suggest you try your hardest to catch them, coz the next step up from dragonair is DRAGONITE. it goes Dratini-Dragonair-DRAGONITE. Hope this helps

Where to catch Dragonite in Pokemon Gold?

You cannot catch a dragonite in gold you have to just train a dragonair or dratini. Theyre usually in the dragons den . u can catch them with good rod or most likely super rod. sometimes w/ super rod u'll get dragonair. good luck!

Where do you fish in the safari zone to catch dragonair in Pokemon Yellow?

If you try a super rod on the water on the entrance area, you should see one after a while. The tough thing is to catch can catch a dratini in the safari zone in fushia city, then evolve it at level 36 to get a dragonair**tip: dragonair evolves into dragonite at level 55

In Pokemon FireRed where do you catch dragonair?

try looking in the safari zone with a super rod. there is a 1% chance of finding one! good luck

How do you get a Dragonite in pokemon leafgreen?

You have to evole from Dratini and Dragonair. I don't know of a way to catch him in the wild.the way you can catch is go to the safari zone and use the super rod in the water.

How do you get dratini in Pokemon Crystal?

In Pokemon Crystal you can find Dratini in Dragon's Den and Route 45. To find and catch Dratini you will need to use the Good Rod or Super Rod.

Can you catch a level 54 dragonair in Pokemon soul sliver?

No, you can only catch them at level 40. To catch one you can go to Dragon's Den and catch one with a Super Fishing Rod. Remember they are rare, and there is only a 10% chance of catching one.

How do you capture dragonair in Pokemon FireRed?

you use a super rod in the safari zone

How do you get dragonair on Pokemon diamond?

First, you need to beat the Elite 4 and have the super rod. Then continue to Mt. Coronet, and go to the waterfall. Surf next to it, but DON'T USE WATERFALL. Use the super rod in the waterfall to catch a Lv 20-21 Dratini. Dratini evolves into Dragonair at level 30.