Yes you do. The Sims Medieval: Pirates and Nobles is an add on to the Sims Medieval :)
no, the sims 3 and the sims medieval are completely separate games :)
No it is not an expansion. It is the 4th game in the Total War series. So, you don't need any other game to play it. And if you want to get it's expansion it's called Medieval 2 Total War: Kingdoms.
no where it a chance of play the game or dont play the game
Yes. All the Sims games don't require internet, unless you are downloading stuff off 'The Sims 3' website, which you can't do with 'Sims Medieval'. Sims Medieval is NOT an expansion pack to 'The Sims 3' so you can't really play ONLINE / OFFLINE Thanks :)
A very popular game that was played was "nine-man-morris"
You need the Playstation move controller although you can play it with the navigation controller as well
I'm pretty sure you do
no, the sims 3 and the sims medieval are completely separate games :)
Medieval SerfsA medieval village or manor usually contained several classes of laborers, consisting of Medieval Serfs and peasants. There might be a number of freemen, who paid a fixed rent, either in money or produce, for the use of their land. Then there were Medieval Serfs who laboured in the lord's household or at work on his domain. Most of the peasants were Medieval Serfs or villeins. The other labourers were called Cottagers or small holders. Under feudalism the lords and nobles of the land had certain rights over Medieval Serfs and Peasants which included the right of jurisdiction, which gave judicial power to the nobles and lords and the right of hunting
Yes, Pirates of the Caribbean from Ubisoft, Bethesda Softworks. You need a disc to play it.
The Pittsburgh pirates play for Pittsburgh
Did the people from medieval times play checkers?
Nobles belonged to families descended from the first Aztec king. Nobles owned slaves and many were government officials.
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