yeah however you won't find Entei if you didn't start with Bulbasaur.
Choose Squirtle as your starter. Beat the elite four. It will become wild. Then you have to search for it. You have to choose bulbasaur as your starter
I do not know where he is after beating elite four soul silver. I hope to find him soon.
No you can't use the azure flute after you beat the elite four
You wait until you beat the elite four and professor Elm will give it to you when you beat the elite four.
You find Heatran in the third room at the end of Stark Mountain, which is available after you beat the Elite Four.
You don't get the national dex until you beat the elite four and yes, you have to have the national dex to get him because entei is a distant legendary you can only find in the early games. So you need the national dex, but not before you beat the elite four.
You can only run into Entei if you starter was a Bulbasaur and you beat the elite four. There is no specific spot where you can find him at but once you run into him use your master ball and catch him.
If you picked Bulbasaur as your starter Pokemon, Entei can be found roaming around Kanto after you beat the elite four.
You get Entei after defeating the Elite Four. You can only get Entei if your starter poke'mon was Bulbasaur.It's Entei, first of all, and I only know how to get it in FireRed/LeafGreen. If you chose Bulbasaur as your starter, it will randomly appear across Kanto after you beat the Elite Four and get the National Dex.
Entei will appear if: You chose bulbuasaur as your starter Pokemon and if you beat the elite four obtained the national dex and gave the ruby and sapphire to celio. Once all of this is completed you can find Entei on any route where grass is, you can't find it on the islands. I suggest you go to Route 1 to find it because it usually goes there.
after you beat the elite four, if you started out with squirtle, it will appear randomly in the wild. same thing goes if you started out with charmander, you get suicune. if you started out with bulbasaur, you find entei
Entei randomly appears in the world map after you have beaten the Elite Four, and if you chose Bulbasaur as your starter Pokemon -creepyjean- ^^ hehe
You can get entei in Elite Four Garcia and multiple other rooms
Go to pk locater and find entei in a room. You can go to this room ID: #178202. But to catch him you have to buy a masterball beat the Hoenn leaders Indigo leaders Johto leaders and the elite four. Then with the Masterball catch Entei and other legenderies. Hope this helped
Choose Squirtle as your starter. Beat the elite four. It will become wild. Then you have to search for it. You have to choose bulbasaur as your starter
if you have firered or leafgreenyou will be able to catch entei ,raikou, suicune only if you beat the elite four then when you catch the three lengendaries then migrate then into Pokemon diamond