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You start the game in the car with Kapp'n. He asks you these questions: Kapp'n: Jumpin' jellyfishes! I've had about enough of this rain! You: A. Yeah, it stinks. B. I'm fine... Kapp'n: So tell me, (name)... Why are ye settin' sail fer (town)? You: A. I'm moving. B. Butt out! Kapp'n: Do you have enough to get settled? You: A. Yup! B. Kinda... The questions and answers may vary, but A is the top and B is the bottom. If you want a particular face and the questions are different, choose the same letters (like A, B, A, or A, A, A). He will ask you other questions, like where you are going (only if you're the first person to live in your town), why you are going there (only if you're the first person), and your name, but these do not affect your face.|Answer key: | | | |Answer: These are the three letters you answer.| |Get: Male: This is what males get. | | Female: This is what females get. | Answer: A, A, A Get: Male: Brown hair, messy in the back, with round, black eyes with big pupils. Female: Brown hair that sticks out on the sides, big eyes with big blue pupils.Answer: A, A, B Get: Male: Short brown hair, black eyes shaped like half of an oval. Female: Pink hair with point, half-oval eyes in black. Answer: A, B, A Get: Male: Short brown hair, round eyes with eyebrows. Female: Round, only black eyes, with pink hair that sticks out on the side. Answer: A, B, B Get: Male: Brown pointed hair, round eyes, round pupils, eyelashes on bottom. Female: Almound shaped eyes, brown hair that sticks out on sides. Answer: B, A, A Get: Male: Brown pointed hair, round eyes with red cheeks. Female: Brown hair that sticks out on the sides, blue eyes with eylashes. Answer: B, A, B Get: Male: Round, small pupiled, blue eyes with eyebrows, pointed hair.Female: Blue eyes with red cheeks, hair pointed in the front. Answer: B, B, A Get: Male: Half closed eyes, short brown hair. Female: Eyes with eyebrows and eyelashes, pointed hair. Answer: B, B, B Get: Male: Short brown hair, large eyes, tiny blue pupils. Female: Half closed eyes, pointed brown hair.After this, you get out of your car and see your face. If you don't like it, you can simply power off and try again.

Hope that helped!

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NO sorry I wish there was

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First u have to get Nooktons then there will be a hair salon. The poodle in there will give u a hair change. Then that's how u get blonde.but it will not last long.

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animal crossing better than computer . because it does not take long to load or pop ups or scams.

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