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Q: Do worn out dragon gauntlets
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Can you still charge worn out dragon gauntlets if you buy them from the grand exchange?

No you will need to get them recharged at the Fist of Guthix.

Can dragon gauntlets in runescape be reparied by bob?

no dragon gauntlets cannot be repaired by bob you must recharge it at fists of guthix by tokens.

Metal gloves worn by knights?

You mean gauntlets?

How long do dragon gauntlets last in runescape?

According to the guide at runescape.wikia, they don't normally wear out at all - however, if you die wearing them, they will be worn out. They can be recharged with Fist Of Guthix tokens.

How do you recharge dragon gauntlets worn out?

Go to the Fist of Guthix mini-game and have them repaired for 30 tokens. If you don't have any tokens, simply play a few games until you have enough to repair them. =]

The best armor in runescape?

I don't know what the best armor is. The most expensive would be a full third age set. My favorite is a full dragon with dragon full helm, dragon boots, worn-out dragon gauntlets, oynox ring and neacklace or on of the full barrows sets. I really don't think there is a "best".

Can you make iron worn out gauntlets on runescape?

No, it can only be obtain by Fist of Guthix.

How do rune gauntlets change into worn out rune gauntlets?

they degrade and have lower defence because of battles and they can be recharged at the fist of guthix just in the wilderness with 50 tokens

Do worn-out rune gauntlets give you bonuses?

Yes, though they are about half of their fully charged counterparts.

What do worn out adamant gauntlets do on RuneScape?

The gauntlet are just like gloves only more expensive but they give more defense bonus Warning Only buy gauntlets if you have enough money

What do adamant gauntlets do in runescape?

They Protect you hand, the only better gloves are rune, dragon, and Barrows

On runescape how long does it take for a pair of bronze guanlets to turn into worn-out bronze gauntlets?

they get discharged ONLY on death.