I think that if you play for seven hours straight it can become boring but other than that- no.
You have to actually buy a webkinz horse. I don't think anybody would really give out a webkinz code.
Well i think so because it lives in water and i think so becaus in webkinz it puts wat the webkinz likes most and a seal likes water so theres your answer. =)
I think it is a Puzzle Game.
I think a bad name would be smelly o's. I have 1 Webkinz myself and I am pretty bad with names.
No, when the webkinz get to 0 on all monitors, they get taken off your acount because the makers of webkinz think your not taking care off your webkinz properly. So in 5 weeks they fill all monitors to 100 and put it back on your acount. To stop that from happening, go to travel agentcey and find the spa page. buy it, and all your webkinz will be filled to 100.
Well, that's your opinion. Lots of kids think they are fun, and others don't. I don't like Webkinz because they are expensive (cost from $8 to $20 per webkinz) and get boring after a while. 2 years ago I loved Webkinz and now I hate them! i think they are probably fun for kids aged 5-12., well it depends on your character. is you like to play games and stuff then you will love webkinz.
stardoll is boring i think clubpenguin is great wat ever u do dont go on webkinz
webkinz are fully boring my little cousin she's 9 she has 24 and she thinks they are so so gay but when she bought them she didn't know until she got 24 when the added new bitchy stuff she knew they were so so gay.
Well there is a bluejay webkinz I think !!!
I dont think she has webkinz
Sorry I do not think Parsons have Webkinz.
i do not think you can
I think Webkinz have Pet of the Month because they want you to buy more Webkinz.
I think they do but you can contact webkinz if you want. - starrystar33
I think it was a girl who had 234 webkinz. I have 20.
because you are a boring person?