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No, they stay at the same level. However in some games they gain an one-off 15-16 level increase after you've completed the rest of the game.

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Q: Do the Pokemon in the Pokemon league level up?
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How do you level your Pokemon up in Pokemon league?

just battle against other Pokemon to level up

How do you make Pokemon level 95 without the Pokemon league?

You don't need to beat the Pokemon League to get Pokemon up to level 95, just keep grinding on wild Pokemon or Trainer battles. You will get experience from them no matter what level.

When you have all three legendary Pokemon in Pokemon black and white what do you do with them?

If you havent beaten the Pokemon league then level them up a bit then defeat the Pokemon league

Where is the best place to level up your Pokemon?

Just do the Pokemon League over and over

How do you level Pokemon up more quickly?

just keep practising with the Pokemon league until your Pokemon goes to level 100. Or If you haven't got to the league yet you can keep battling trainers and wild Pokemon.

Where is a good place to level up Pokemon that are level 50 in heart gold?

I have soul silver but i guess the Pokemon league.

Can you beat the Pokemon league with only charzaid and Zapdos?

Well, you have to level them up. If you level them up to like 90-100 then it should be easy to beat the league

What is the average level that you have to be in the Pokemon league in lef green?

about lv 43 and up @(".)@

How strong are the Pokemon in the league in soul silver?

The weakest Pokemon at the Pokemon League are at Level 40. The Strongest Pokemon you'll face is at Level 50.

Where is the best place to get level up in Pokemon emerald?

Unfortunately the only area for good training is the Pokemon league.

How do you level up Pokemon fast?

Get an exp. share and give it to the Pokemon you want to level up. If your Pokemon is really weak in comparison to the rest of your Pokemon, put him out first and then when in a battle swap him for your better Pokemon thus giving him Exp but no damage from a fight. Also rare candy is useful!

Where should you train your level 50 heatran in pokmeon platinum?

The best place to level up any Pokemon is the Pokemon league.By fighting the elite four at the Pokemon league your Pokemon will level up realy fast.If you have a low level Pokemon,give it an exp share and make a more powerfull Pokemon battle.